FINLAND: Basics of Car Painting for Car Mechanics
10/03/2025 09:00 - 04/04/2025 12:00
Kindly note that this module is offered to car mechanics students. We can accommodate altogether 4 students.
Before participating in the Automobility modules, the student must have been completed a course Safety at Automotive Electrical Work or a course with a similar content at her/his sending school.
The course Safety at Automotive Electrical Work is compulsory for all automotive students is Finland. This course must be repeated at least every 5 years.
At the minimum, the student has completed following parts of Safety at Automotive Electrical Work:
- General Safety Regulations by working as car mechanic (lifts, fire safety, dangerous jobs etc)
- Basics of Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology
- Electrical hazards and First Aid
- Personal Safety
- Power Tool Safety
- Workshop Safety
- Final test